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Call center information


Working hour: Monday to Sunday – 08:00 to 20:00


+855 23 988 555

+855 70 988 555

+855 78 988 555


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Card emergency information


Working hour: Monday to Sunday – 24 hours

+855 23 988 655 (Temporary unavailable)

+855 10 988 655 (Temporary unavailable)

+855 95 555 895 (Temporary unavailable)

Temporary contacts for card emergencies:

+855 98 977 075

+855 98 977 407

+855 14 892 474

+855 71 547 0267


Contact Us Online

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If you have any problem or our service doesn’t meet your expectations, please kindly contact us via:

Complaint channels

Contact Us Online

1. Please select Product or Service which you are using:

InstallmentPersonal LoanAEON Credit CardAEON WalletAEON Card MobileOthers

2. Subject:


3. Please provide the information of product or service which you are facing problem:

4. Please describe the problem:

Input the code in pink only:


* A complaint shall be annulled if miss to provide Name, Address and Phone Number/E-mail properly.

  • A customer must file a complaint within 60 (sixty) days after the customer aware of the problem on which the complaint is base on. The complaint may be lodged in writing and/or verbally.
  •  A verbal complaint may take up to 2 working days to finalize. If the issue has not been resolved yet, please lodge in formal writing or via E-mail.
  •  A writing complaint may take up to 30 working days to finalize after the date of receiving the complaint sheet. In case the issue has not been resolved yet, we will notify you that require the same period of time to resolve. A customer also has the right to withdraw the complaint at any stage by informing to our Bank.
  • We will inform you in writing about the result of resolution.
  • Your information is kept in confidentiality.

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